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Newsletter Archive

Current Newsletter

Survey Results- Our Members Are Ready to Move!


August 7. Welcome , to our weekly newsletter.  This issue reports on the amazing results from last week's survey of your experiences selling a home, choosing where to live next, downsizing, and selecting a moving company.  Thanks very much to the more than 1,300 great people who not only filled out the survey, but shared their wisdom and experiences too.

We will be on vacation next week; our next issue will come out during the week of 8/19.  The weekly East and West community newsletters will also be on vacation.
Chatham, MA
The results from last week's member survey were interesting on so many levels. One big thing is how different Topretirements members are from the average retiree as reported by AARP - you are much more interested in moving, and willing to move far away.  Also: your shared comments and experiences about downsizing, where to live, and moving contain so many valuable insights - you just have to read them!
Bentonville, AR
One of our members called this the nicest town in Georgia. It was the site of the first major gold rush in  the U.S., so it is popular as a tourist town. People also like it because it's near Lake Lanier and the Appalachian Trail. The  town square is filled with shops and galleries; it also has several festivals during the year.
The Comments just won't quit (thank heavens) over on our "Best Places to Retire 2013" Blog article. So far there 308 comments, with new ones coming in every day. Cherie, Ray, Chuck, Julie and many others have been busy reporting about their experiences looking in Florida, Tenn, NC, and other places.  After you get to the link, scroll down to "Comments" - the most recent comments are on the bottom.
Turrialba, Costa Rica
You might never have heard of Apache Junction, a town of 36,000 just east of Mesa. But the town is  active adult central for inexpensive 55+ communities. In fact, Topretirements has  reviews of 12 communities for Apache Junction. The nearby desert and the Superstition Mountains wilderness area are quite beautiful.
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If you like this newsletter please forward it to a friend so we can continue to spread the word.  We  offer 3 more newsletters too: a Daily Digest (it provides a link to everything new on the site from the day before),  New Active Adult Communities East, and New Active Adult Communities West (the latter 2 are weekly).


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